Measuring Vehicle Wrap ROI

Measuring Vehicle Wrap ROI

Vehicle wraps, or as some might call them, moving billboards, are an everyday part of our lives. Have you ever caught yourself driving past an Amazon Prime truck thinking “I should place that order today!’ or a Whole Foods truck wondering what they have in stock today? Vehicle wraps are a unique and successful way to reach your market and validate your brand/image in the marketplace, after all, a well-designed ad is hard to miss on a truck.

But how do you track the ROI on vehicle wraps? While the answer might not be as straight forward as traditional methods, there are numerous tactics that you can implement to track vehicle wraps as part of a successful marketing campaign.

Below are some strategies to help measure vehicle wrap ROI.

  1. USE AN ALTERNATE LANDING PAGE: Creating a unique landing page and URL that can be promoted on your truck or vehicle wrap can help measure ROI. How? If the unique URL is only advertised on your wrap, it’s easy to determine where the calls and visitors are coming from via your websites data collection and analytics.
  2. USE AN ALTERNATE PHONE NUMBER: Much like the unique URL, you can create a new phone number or use one that’s part of your current package.  If you use a number that’s not published anywhere else, it will be easy to track through logging the information.
  3. RUN A PROMOTION: Offering a discount or first-time offer for those calling in who saw a promotion on your truck are easily trackable, especially if they are specific to one medium versus another.

Contempo has been helping companies with their branding on messaging using vehicle and truck wraps for 20+ years. For a free vehicle wrap consultation, please contact us at 216.831.9557, ext. 101 or

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