Is Custom Publishing an Option for Your Business?

Is Custom Publishing an Option for Your Business?

By: Renée DeLuca Dolan

Custom publishing (sometimes called custom media) is a valuable tool that allows companies to talk directly to their core customers, prospects, funders, board members and colleagues about products and services without a hard sales pitch associated with some other media channels.

A custom published piece is developed and paid for by a business. They contain branded content and they reinforce marketing messages in a format more akin to a lifestyle magazine. A familiar example of custom media is the airline publication that you find when you are on a flight, like Delta Sky magazine. Newsletters and annual reports are some other examples. Content is written, supplied, edited and approved. Unlike a consumer magazine, it is not ad-supported and the content is more advertorial in nature. Some companies may have a client or vendor help subsidize the cost of the publication through paid ads or integrating them into the content.

A professionally-designed custom publishing piece with quality content is subtle, efficient and cost effective. You can tell your own brand story and talk directly to the consumer or your target audience.

Creating your own custom content allows you to position yourself as an expert in your market or industry to your clients and customers. You can use that content on our social media channels and on your website. When you provide consistent content in the form of a magazine, blogs or social media posts you’ll eventually be seen as a content expert in your field. Your customers and prospects are more likely to take note of your expertise when it comes time for them to buy or purchase or product or service next time.

A piece of advice—be sure your content is designed and written as professionally as that consumer magazine you are currently reading. Working with professional designers and writers or editors will ensure your company’s brand looks and feels the way it should.

Our company produced a custom magazine, Cleveland Business Connects, for 10 years, and I can tell you that it definitely helped me market my design business.

Let me know how you’re using custom publishing or content marketing to reach your customers or prospects. If you are looking to get started with a custom publishing project, we’re happy to help guide you.

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